FULL HOUSE: Unhurried Conversation - Authenticity

Welcome to ‘Unhurried Conversation’, where there is a time to think differently and connect in a refreshing way. Unhurried isn’t always slow. We’ll use a simple format to create good, human interaction. So come along to experience this spacious forum of connection and reflection.

It is our honour to have Ms. Farah Shahed, our IAF Regional Director for Asia, coming from India to host the event.

2018 IAFHK Event Summary

We are grateful to have the massive support and contribution from all the IAFHK friends and fans, sharers from the local and international communities, and the Board Members to make things and changes happen.

2018 has been a year full of constant changes, we are delighted to have more friends and fans joining the sharing team. They have brought more energy and diversity to us. Collaboration with new communities has grown. We also had sharing sessions with more international facilitator communities. Big thank you to you all!

IAFHK Merry Xmas Hiking

[20181226 IAFHK Merry Xmas Hiking and more] We went hiking on a warm and sunny day, together with great companions, it was a perfect day (and good for Pokemon hunting - please see the last 2 pictures).

15 #iafhk friends and fans gathered together to exercise and hold interesting conversations.

We enjoyed it very much and went to have dim sum for lunch after the hike. A couple of us even went on a spontaneous adventure to the Mills (formerly a textile factory being transformed to a space with innovation and creativity) nearby in that afternoon.

如何引導一個「有人性」的Retrospective Meeting (For Agile Hong Kong)

(Chinese Only)


By Steven Mak 

尋日 Agile HK meetup 好高興請到 IAF 香港分會嘅 Amy 同 Lowene 黎分享下 Facilitation,特別係 Sprint Retrospective meeting 我地遇到困難以及有乜野可以做。

過程都非常 hands-on,絕無冷場,難得紅雨都咁多人黎,亦唔介意留得咁夜。最緊要係學到野,我成日話我地 Agile 圈嘅 facilitation 水平只係踢波街場級別,Amy 就示範左畀大家睇專業水平係點樣,大家都感受個差距,知道自己嘅改善空間。

更加要多謝 Yvonne 同 Candice 都到場幫手,除左幫手打點一切同影靚相之外,你地嘅參與,令到 Agile HK meetup 活動女性參加者比例提升左超過 100%。


Learning Lab (Cantonese)- ICA Participatory Strategic Planning

Very often facilitators are called in to design and guide a team/ organization for planning at a strategic level (mid to long term view, revisiting purpose and possibilities, uncovering and addressing recurring issues). The ICA (Institute of Cultural Affairs) Participatory Strategic Planning (PSP) process provides powerful framework and tools to support that critical intervention.